Citizen Survey Analysis
Citizen Survey
The first round of analysis of the Survey is complete.
The survey was administered prior to establishing the boundaries of SCCORR. The data has been culled to reflect zip codes from La Plata and San Juan Counties. Nine questions were analyzed in this first round.
NOTE: This is raw data. This data was gathered from the online open-access survey. Thoughts and ideas are strictly those of the citizens who took the survey. SCCORR, as a voice for the citizens of southwest Colorado, serves to gather and share the thoughts and ideas of the community. The data does not reflect the opinion of SCCORR nor of any of its affiliates, stakeholders, administrators, nor funding agencies.
Overall Respondents: 525
LP and SJ Counties: 263 (69 respondents did not indicate a zip code)
(Respondent numbers vary as not everyone answered every question.)

What do you love most about conservation and outdoor recreation in Southwest Colorado?
What are the most pressing challenges you see facing conservation and outdoor recreation in Southwest Colorado?

Graphic analysis is provided for the following survey questions:
• Q11 How satisfied are you with the opportunities for outdoor recreation in SW CO?
• Q12 Has the quality of your SW CO outdoor recreation experiences changed over time?
• Q13 Has the quality of SW CO natural resources (forests, water, wildlife) degraded,
improved, or remained the same over time?
Table analysis provided for the following questions:
• Q15 To sustain healthy forests, waters, wildlife, and working lands in SW CO, rank the
following in order of priority (1=highest priority; 4=lowest priority):
• Q19 Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following options that
US/Tribal Nations/State/Local government land management agencies could focus on in
• Q20 Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following options for
managing increasing recreation use in SW CO
• Q21 Various approaches have been employed across Colorado to manage recreation
growth and support conservation efforts. How acceptable are the following to you?
• Q22 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following options to improve
equitable and inclusive outdoor access in SW CO.
• Q23 Which of the following funding options would you support to expand and maintain
recreational opportunities in SW CO? Please mark all that apply.